Welcome to Care for Kids’ monthly nonprofit spotlight, where we shine a light on organizations in Lucas County, Ohio that are making a positive impact on behalf of children. In this edition, we focus on Compassion Health Toledo.

Compassion Health Toledo (CHT) was born from the vision of two Toledo doctors who recognized the pressing need for better healthcare among the underserved in their hometown. Inspired by their experiences serving the poor in Guatemala, they questioned why they weren’t doing the same in their own community.

To gain a deeper understanding of the issues faced by those in need, Dr. Anne Ruch began working on a mobile medical bus sponsored by Lifeline Toledo. That experience showed her that the medical and social needs of some Toledoans were quite like those she had encountered in Guatemala.

Officially incorporated in 2015, Compassion Health Toledo was established with a mission to provide Christ-centered, integrated, affordable and quality healthcare to those in greatest need. We spoke with Dr. Ruch to gain deeper insights into the remarkable work CHT has accomplished since then.

Addressing Healthcare Disparities in Toledo

In the medically disadvantaged areas CHT serves, less than 10% of at-risk populations currently receive the necessary healthcare. That lack of access to preventative care has contributed to the rise of chronic illness, infant mortality rates and overreliance on local emergency room services. But CHT is working diligently to change that narrative.

A New Approach to Healing and Health

As a faith-based community care center, CHT places spirituality at the core of promoting healing and health. They provide primary, obstetric/gynecological and pediatric care to individuals within the medically desolate southwest Toledo area. They have plans to expand their services to include dental and behavioral health in the future.

“People in Toledo need access to this care,” said Dr. Ruch. “When an individual is sick, they deserve to get in and see a doctor right away. In these communities, many don’t have insurance or the funds for a doctor’s office copay,” she said. CHT ensures access to care by accepting new patients regardless of their ability to pay. The organization places a strong emphasis on meeting or exceeding national practice standards for chronic condition treatment, providing specialized care for conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, depression, cancer and HIV. They currently have around 7,000 patient visits per year.

A Cornerstone of Compassion: Health Services

CHT provides an array of health services, from prenatal and postnatal care to pediatric services for newborns. These services are designed to be accessible and affordable, so all mothers can benefit regardless of their financial status.

Prenatal care includes regular check-ups, essential screening tests and educational resources for expecting mothers, making certain they are well prepared for the journey of pregnancy and childbirth. After delivery, new mothers can utilize postnatal services including regular check-ups, postpartum health screenings and counseling. “We recognize that the period after childbirth can be extremely overwhelming in many ways,” said Dr. Ruch. “We make sure that no mother has to navigate it alone.”

CHT also provides pediatric services for infants and children, administering necessary vaccinations, regular health screenings and development checks to maintain each child’s healthy growth.

  1. Throughout Pregnancy
    1. CHT encourages expecting mothers to take proactive steps in caring for their health.
  2. Baby’s First Year
    1. CHT offers licensed professional-led classes ranging from newborn care to breastfeeding and parenting.
  3. Family Medicine & Pediatrics
    1. CHT provides Family Medicine, Pediatrics, OB-GYN and limited counseling services for your growing family.

Comprehensive Support that Goes Beyond Healthcare

Outside of health services, CHT’s programs aim to nurture the emotional, social and economic wellbeing of mothers and their children. Recognizing that financial constraints often stand in the way of addressing basic needs, they offer baby supplies and clothing to new mothers. This focus on holistic support makes a substantial impact on mothers’ lives beyond their immediate medical needs.

One of CHT’s most remarkable initiatives is their mentoring program, where staff provide emotional and moral support to expectant and new mothers. “Each patient is set up with a community health worker,” said Dr. Ruch. “Having someone who genuinely cares and is willing to listen can make a significant difference during the challenging moments of pregnancy and early motherhood.”

The organization’s impact is evident in the lives of the women it has touched. Stories of women who entered the doors of CHT feeling scared, alone and unsure about their future, and left with renewed hope, are not uncommon. These women often return to give back to the organization, proving the transformative power of compassion, care and support. “Our patients tell us that we feel like family,” said Dr. Ruch. “Our community health workers have separate phones where pregnant mothers can reach them for personalized support and advice throughout the day.”

Creating a Positive Ripple Effect

CHT actively encourages community participation. Their volunteer program provides an opportunity for local citizens to make a difference. From medical professionals to individuals willing to donate time or resources, everyone can contribute to their mission.

CHT engages in public education about pregnancy and early parenthood’s difficulties and realities. By raising awareness and advocating for policy changes, they aim to create a community that supports and uplifts mothers and their children.

Moving Forward with Care

CHT stands as a testament to the power of compassion and the positive change it can create within a community. By providing essential health services and comprehensive support, this nonprofit is transforming lives and nurturing healthier families. You can visit their website to learn more about their incredible work and plans for the future.

If you feel called to support this cause, consider donating or volunteering. The work of CHT serves as a poignant reminder that a single act of compassion can transform lives and ultimately foster a more caring and supportive community.

Continuing the Conversation on Social Media

Care for Kids wants to hear from you.

  1. How do you think the lack of access to preventative care contributes to the rise of chronic illness and infant mortality rates in underserved communities?
  2. In what ways do you believe a faith-based approach to healthcare can positively impact patients’ healing and overall well-being?
  3. How important do you think comprehensive support, beyond just medical services, is in improving the lives of mothers and children in underserved areas? What additional support services do you think should be provided?
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