Welcome to Care for Kids’ monthly nonprofit spotlight, where we shine a light on organizations in Lucas County, Ohio, making a positive impact on behalf of children. In this edition, we focus on TutorSmart Toledo, an organization dedicated to helping students reach grade level through targeted, data-driven tutoring.

A Mission to Close the Educational Gap

TutorSmart Toledo is a free tutoring program designed to help students in grades kindergarten through eight improve their math and reading skills. By providing after-school support, TutorSmart aims to bridge the gap between what happens during and after the school day. According to Tiffany Adamski, Executive Director of TutorSmart Toledo, the program “enables kids to return to simply being kids, feeling successful and confident in their ability to handle whatever challenges they face.”

The program serves as a vital intervention, particularly for students who start school behind their peers. Adamski emphasized that “our students come from diverse backgrounds, and some require significantly more support than others when they begin school.” She added, “If we don’t help them catch up by third grade, the long-term consequences can be quite serious. The need for effective, timely intervention is precisely why TutorSmart was established.”

Transforming Lives Through Personalized Support

TutorSmart’s approach is both individualized and data-driven. “We target our intervention to those areas so that it shores up their foundations and allows them to tackle grade-level work,” explained Adamski. By collaborating with expert literacy coaches and conducting extensive data analysis with their school partners, TutorSmart tailors its support to meet each student’s unique needs.

The success stories speak for themselves. Last year, TutorSmart helped 58 third graders in Toledo Public Schools come off their reading monitoring plans, a remarkable 40% success rate. One student, Mercy, came to TutorSmart three years behind in reading and two years behind in math. Initially hesitant, she gradually began engaging with the program through the encouragement of her tutor, who provided personalized attention and support. “Once you start closing those gaps and building that momentum, she did the rest,” said Adamski. Mercy’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of TutorSmart’s personalized approach.

How TutorSmart Works

TutorSmart employs a combination of traditional instruction and computer-assisted learning to engage students and develop foundational skills. Adamski explained that the program uses an online platform called Moby Max, which students use for about 20 minutes to concentrate on specific skills through computer time. She noted, “After that, we focus on homework, practice reading and phonics, work through math problems, and incorporate fun activities and games that are educational. This approach keeps students engaged while reinforcing essential skills.”

Students like Mercy benefit from TutorSmart’s integration of traditional instruction and computer-assisted learning. As students gain confidence and mastery of grade-level content, they are better able to participate in class discussions and projects during the school day.

Recognition and Achievement

TutorSmart Toledo has recently been awarded the prestigious NSSA Tutoring Program Design Badge from the National Student Support Accelerator at Stanford University. This badge is a testament to the program’s high-quality design, aligning with fundamental Tutoring Quality Standards based on provided documentation. The badge serves as a first filter for states and districts, indicating that TutorSmart has a research-aligned program design, which sets a standard for quality in tutoring programs across the nation.

Community Support and Engagement

TutorSmart Toledo’s mission extends beyond academic success. They emphasize the importance of community involvement and support. Since its inception, TutorSmart has partnered with numerous local schools and community organizations, providing over 22,000 hours of targeted intervention to more than 1,200 students at no cost to families. Your generous support enables TutorSmart to continue offering these essential services and making a positive impact on the lives of students and the broader community.

As Hyfah Hilou, Director of Advancement, noted, “Community members can support by volunteering, sharing their skills and time at events, or joining one of our committees to help us grow.” Financial contributions are also invaluable, but in-kind volunteerism and partnerships with local businesses add tremendous value to TutorSmart’s efforts.

Charity Golf Scramble: A Growing Tradition

Each year, TutorSmart hosts its annual Charity Golf Scramble, an event that has grown significantly over time. This year, the event brought together around 100 golfers at Valleywood Golf Club. The occasion was more than just a game of golf; it was a day dedicated to building community, offering support, and making a meaningful impact on students’ lives.

Hilou expressed her gratitude to the community: “We are incredibly thankful for the continued support of our annual Charity Golf Scramble. This event has become a cornerstone of our fundraising efforts, and it’s heartwarming to see so many people come together to support our mission of helping students succeed.”

A Vision for the Future

The goal of TutorSmart is simple yet profound: to not be needed in the future. “My hope for this program is that we’re not needed in the future. If we can have every child on grade level by fourth grade, the schools will be so much more robust, our community will be so much better for that, and our kids will have a really good chance of doing the amazing things that they were born to do,” said Adamski.

Leaders of TutorSmart find immense joy in watching students blossom and grow their confidence. By providing essential academic support, TutorSmart Toledo is not only closing educational gaps but also opening doors to brighter futures for the children in their community.

Continuing the Conversation on Social Media

Care for Kids wants to hear from you!

  • How can community involvement enhance the effectiveness of programs like TutorSmart Toledo in addressing educational disparities among students?
  • What role do you think technology should play in supplementing traditional educational methods, and how might it impact student engagement and learning outcomes?
  • What are the potential long-term effects on communities when educational gaps are successfully bridged through programs like TutorSmart?
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