

Ensuring a bright future for every child.

See How

Any Donation Amount Will Help

Give a Single or Monthly Donation

In the midst of widespread hardships such as hunger, poverty and conflict, children are especially vulnerable and in need of support. Your donation helps create a positive impact that safeguards the wellbeing of children in our community.




can provide a wholesome lunch for a student who is food insecure.




can provide a new, warm coat for a child who would otherwise go without one this winter.




can fill a backpack with essential school supplies, empowering them with the tools they need to succeed at school.

*100% of money raised goes to cause.

Other Ways to Give

By choosing to give to Care for Kids, you are actively contributing to the betterment of the Lucas County community. There are numerous ways in which you can help children, and we are here to help you explore these opportunities. Learn more about how you can get involved with our mission today.

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Corporate &
Employee Giving

We believe that every person and every company can make a difference, and we rely on donations to fund our work. If you’re interested in supporting our mission, there are several ways for companies and employees to make a contribution.

  • Corporate Donations

    As a corporation, you have the ability to support Care for Kids and make a positive difference in our community. Your donations can make a significant impact on our programs and help us reach more children in need. To make a corporate donation, please contact us at or 419.866.0700 to discuss the different giving options available to your company. We’re happy to work with you to find the best way to support our organization and drive positive change in Lucas County.

    EIN: 93-4830978

  • Employee Giving

    Many companies have programs that allow their employees to make donations through their paychecks. This is an easy and effective way to support Care for Kids! If your company offers an employee giving program, please consider choosing Care for Kids as your designated charity. Your contributions will help us continue our mission and create meaningful change for children in our community. If your company doesn’t have an employee giving program, you can still make a personal donation through our website. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will help us improve the lives of those we serve.

    EIN: 93-4830978

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How We Choose Our Charitable Partners

At Care for Kids, we’re passionate about supporting local organizations that dedicate themselves to the wellbeing of our children. Here’s how we choose the charities and nonprofits we back:

Their involvement spans over 3 years, during which their financial support has been complemented by their active participation in the corporate meal packing initiative. Having packed an incredible 600 boxes, equivalent to more than 3,000 nourishing meals for schools, they’ve demonstrated their commitment to giving back in tangible ways. It’s not just about writing a check; it’s about rolling up their sleeves and personally ensuring that children receive the sustenance they need to thrive. Their dedication is a signal of hope for a brighter future.”

- Jamie Harter, Children’s Hunger Alliance

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If you have questions or want to learn more about how to support our organization, please email us at